About us
Supporting Victorians since 1948

Who we are
We're proud to have 75 years' experience supporting Victorians.

Annual and financial reports
Read our annual and financial reports from previous financial years.

Child and youth safety
Keeping children and young people safe is a priority at Relationships Australia Victoria. View our statement of commitment and Code of Conduct to learn more.

Diversity and inclusion
We are committed to providing safe, inclusive and accessible services for all members of the community.

Executive and Board
Meet the Executive Team and Board at Relationships Australia Victoria.

First Nations community engagement
We are committed to growing cultural competency across our services, and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ lived experiences.

Neighbours Every Day
Relationships Australia's social connection campaign encourages all Australians to take everyday actions that create belonging and foster respectful relationships.

Research and evaluation
We evaluate our services and undertake research to measure the effectiveness of our services and highlight issues, service gaps and areas for improvement.

Our Strategic Plan, Vision and Values
Read about our organisational vision, values and our strategic goals and objectives.

We have provided written submissions to several Royal Commissions, Inquiries and Human Rights Commissions.