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Demonstrating our impact



On Tuesday 31 October, we were proud to launch our inaugural Social Impact Report 2023 and an animated video on how our organisations creates change.


The cover of Relationships Australia Victoria's Social Impact Report 2023

Our report expands upon existing outcome and impact reporting provided in our Annual Report 2022-23, to further demonstrate the real-world impacts of our work for the clients who use our services.

It details our approach to evaluation and evidence-informed practice, and highlights a selection of impact stories across the following 5 key domains that are central to our work:

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Child wellbeing
  • Personal and family safety
  • Family functioning
  • Connection and belonging

Our 'How we create change' animation illustrates the collective change our organisation creates across a wide range of family and relationship services, and how we achieve social impact. It focuses on 3 interdependent levels of wellbeing: individual, interpersonal and community wellbeing. 'How we create change' is premised on how changes at the individual level contribute to improved family and relationship outcomes, and ultimately, how they lead to more cohesive and connected communities.

'How we create change' demonstrates the broader positive impact our organisation has on communities in the short and longer term.

You can view both the Social Impact Report 2023 and the 'How we create change' animation on our dedicated Social Impact website.

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