Feeling worn-out? Take time to check in with yourself

Do the shorter days, cold weather and widespread impacts of cold, flu and COVID-19 have you feeling worn out?
As we move into the second half of the year, now is a good time to check in with yourself and take stock of how you’re feeling about different areas of your life. In our article below, we share some prompts for self-reflection, and some resources and simple actions that we hope will support your wellbeing now and into the future.
Self-reflection activity
Self-reflection can help you to understand yourself better, identify and regulate your emotions (emotional intelligence) and find strategies to manage challenges in your life.
Everyone is different and there is no ‘right way’ to self-reflect. You might want to write your thoughts down in a journal or a mobile phone app, have a conversation with a professional supervisor or trusted friend, or simply consider the questions below in your mind. You can reflect on one question or all of them, read them in any order, and do the activity as many or as few times as you’d like.
It’s normal for a range of different feelings to come up while doing a reflection. If possible, it can be helpful to put some time aside (even if it’s just 5 minutes) and find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted.
Reflection prompts:
- How is my physical health at the moment? What is one action that I could take today/this week/this month to improve my physical wellbeing?
- How is my mental health at the moment? What is one action that I can take today/this week/this month to support my mental wellbeing?
- Where am I happiest/most content? What activities are most ‘life-giving’ for me? How can I add more of these into my life?
- Where are my ‘safe spaces’ and people? How can I add more of these into my life?
- What parts of my life do I feel the most stressed/anxious about? What can I do to help manage these / hold these more ‘lightly’?
- Do I need additional support? What support can I access?
- What is something that I have done today/this week/this month that I am proud of?
- What is something that I am grateful for today/this week/this month?
- Do I have any habits that I would like to let go of or change? What could I do differently that would better serve me?
Next steps – resources and tips
- Review your weekly/fortnightly calendar and add in one regular action that will benefit your wellbeing. For example, regular meditation, daily exercise, time spent with a friend, or an activity that is life-giving for you.
- Have a conversation with key support people in your life about how you’re both feeling and the ways in which you can support one another. If you find it hard to stick to your intentions, you could plan to check in regularly and share your updates with each other as a gentle way to support and keep each other accountable.
- Invest in your mental and emotional wellbeing. This might be through regular meditation, yoga, self-reflection, relaxation activities such as music, art, or walking in nature; or personal spiritual practices such as prayer or contemplation.
- Organise any medical check-ups that may have been forgotten or put on hold during the last few years of COVID-19 restrictions. The Victorian Government recommends visiting a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy, to make sure that you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to identify any early signs of health issues. Your doctor can also provide information about mental health treatment plans, which can help you to access support from a mental health professional.
- Contact a counselling organisation or psychologist directly to make an appointment for support. If there’s a wait time before you’re able to see someone, you can also access free, immediate telephone support and online resources through organisations like Beyond Blue, the Black Dog Institute and headspace.
Need help now?
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, phone emergency services on 000 (triple zero).
For 24/7 crisis support, phone:
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- SuicideLine Victoria on 1300 651 251
- Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
- MensLine Australia on 1300 78 99 78
- Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800
This post does not constitute professional advice. It is for informational purposes only.