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Relationship tips for times of change



The nature of your relationships, whether with your parents, children, or partner, can shift throughout your life and depending on your circumstances.

Key transitions such as becoming a parent for the first time, starting or leaving a relationship, or preparing for retirement, might leave you feeling uncertain about where you stand and how to communicate your feelings and needs.

For some people, change can be very scary and unsettling, or associated with grief and loss. Other people may find change exciting, and may even look forward to it. People who have experienced difficult life changes in their past can find that this affects how they deal with future changes. It’s important to seek help early, so that when change comes up again, you’re best prepared to deal with it.

If you’re going through a time of change and feeling overwhelmed, check out our eight new tip sheets below or call 1300 364 277 to find out how our counselling service can support you and your family.

These tip sheets were developed by the Relationships Australia federation, which is constituted of eight state and territory Relationships Australia organisations, including Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV.)