We are offering multiple intakes and delivery methods for this course in 2024. View all upcoming intakes.
Mediation Training Course: CHCSS00142 Mediation Skill Set and National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS)
Become an accredited mediator with our intensive course and assessment.
- Learn to facilitate mediation, a structured and facilitated negotiation process for resolving disputes.
- Gain the practical skills needed to be a mediator - an independent and impartial person who assists people in conflict to generate options, negotiate agreements and resolve disputes.
- Develop knowledge and skills of the mediation process, and how to apply these when working with clients, customers and colleagues, including across workplaces and community settings.
This course provides nationally recognised training and assessment for the CHCSS00142 Mediation Skill Set through the Australian Qualifications Framework.
After successful completion of the course and assessment day, you will be eligible for National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) Accreditation.
You will then be ready to take the next step in your career!
Course completion also meets the requirements for entry into the CHC81115 Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution.