Should you use a co-parenting smartphone app?
19 August 2024
Are you co-parenting after separation and struggling to find the best digital resources for you?
Between 2021 and 2023, we researched the pros and cons of 9 popular co-parenting apps used in Australia.
We asked app users about their experiences, talked to family law professionals, and tested the apps ourselves.
Using this research, we’ve created a short information sheet to help separated parents make an informed choice about whether using an app is right for you.
How we can help
If you’re separating and need support, our family dispute resolution (FDR) service is here for you. FDR helps separating families to resolve their family law disputes in a cost-effective way, without going to court.
We also offer an online Parenting After Separation Seminar (PASS) program to help you support your children.