Disability support services
External services for people with disability, including those who are impacted by the Disability Royal Commission.
Disability Royal Commission services
Disability Royal Commission – For more information call 1800 517 199 or email [email protected]
Drummond Street Services – Confidential, free, independent counselling and support services for people affected by the Disability Royal Commission.
Your Story Disability Legal Support – Free, independent legal support to share your story with the Disability Royal Commission.
Other services for people with disability
Better Health Victoria: Disability Services – Health information from the Victorian Government.
Disability Gateway - Assists people with disability, their families and carers to locate and access services across Australia.
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline – A free, independent and confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.
National Relay Service - Voice 1800 555 660 (free from landlines), or TTY 1800 555 630 (free).
Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) - Provides services to protect and promote the rights, interests and dignity of people with disability and mental illness living in Victoria. These services include advice, education, and resources about powers of attorney, advanced care directives and guardianship.
Sexuality Education Counselling and Consultancy Agency - Supports people with disability to learn about relationships, sexuality and sexual health.
TIS Translating and Interpreting Services. Phone 133 677
Find more support services for people with disability in Victoria on the DSS website.
Disclaimer: The list above provides links to external services for people with disability, including those who are impacted by the Disability Royal Commission. While every effort is made to check the content and accuracy of the websites RAV links to, we take no responsibility for information contained on websites that are maintained by other organisations. RAV is not endorsing or associated with any of the services listed on this page.
Other support services