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Family dispute resolution frequently asked questions

The presentation provided below is designed to help you through the family dispute resolution (FDR) process at the Family Relationship Centres (FRCs) of Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV). It contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Our FDR Practitioners and administrators will refer back to this presentation later in your FDR journey. This will assist them to provide an appropriate FDR service and also to provide you with relevant information and referrals.

You can access the presentation:

1. As a Microsoft PowerPoint file

This is best if you’re using a desktop computer. You can also download this file on mobile/table, however the file will be most easily read if you have the Microsoft PowerPoint app for your phone or tablet:


2. As a PDF

This is best if you’re downloading the file on mobile and do not have/want to install the official Microsoft PowerPoint app.

If you have any difficulties downloading or viewing the presentation, please contact the centre you are in contact with.


3. As a video

This resource is currently being updated and will be linked here once available.