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A man wearing a green shirt smiling while on the phone.

24/7 Crisis support

If you or someone close to you is in distress or immediate danger, call 000 (triple zero) as soon as possible.

Relationships Australia Victoria is not a crisis service.

For free, national, 24/7 support, contact:

  • Lifeline – Telephone crisis support and suicide prevention services. Phone 13 11 14
  • 1800RESPECT – Sexual assault, domestic and family violence telephone counselling service. Phone 1800 737 732
  • Suicide Call Back Service – Telephone and online counselling for people affected by suicide. Phone 1300 659 467
  • Beyond Blue - Brief telephone support, information and advice. Phone 1300 22 4636
  • MensLine Australia – Telephone and online counselling for men. Phone 1800 737 732
  • Kids Helpline – Telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5-25. Phone 1800 55 1800
Other services that can support you
External resources & links
A person standing next to a large pool of water with a red sky in the background.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
Links to external services, cooperatives, networks and gathering places for First Nations peoples.
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News, blogs & media
A man wearing sandals while sitting in a wheelchair.
Disability support services
Links to external services for people with disability, including those who are impacted by the Disability Royal Commission.
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News, blogs & media
A parent lifting their laughing child above their head.
Family and parenting services
Links to external services that support parents and families.
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News, blogs & media
The sun shining through trees onto green grass.
Forced adoption services
Links to external services supporting people affected by forced adoption.
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External resources & links
Focus on the scales of justice with a blurred background.
Government and legal services
Links to Australian and Victorian Government services and departments, and other legal services that can support you.
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External resources & links
A green first aid container.
Health information and services
Links to online health resources provided by government and health services.
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External resources & links
A couple with their backs against a wall, looking at each other.
LGBTIQA+ support services
Links to external services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and other sexually or gender diverse people and their friends and family.
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External resources & links
A man wearing a grey shirt leaning against a tree as he scrolls on his phone.
Mental health services
Links to external services providing telephone, video and online counselling and information resources about mental health.
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External resources & links
A family sitting on a couch smiling at each other.
Multicultural services
Links to external services and information for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
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External resources & links
A bookcase full of books in a library.
Sector, research and accreditation bodies
Links to external resources for professionals, service providers and students.
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External resources & links
Two laughing couples sitting on a couch.
Senior services
Links to external services for older adults and their families.
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External resources & links
Key attached to a key ring shaped like a house on a timber surface.
Social welfare services
Links to external services that can assist you with housing and homelessness, debt, gambling, or alcohol and other drug use.
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External resources & links
White and pink blossoms growing on a tree.
Services for people affected by violence, abuse and trauma
Links to external crisis support and other services for people affected by violence and abuse, and for those who perpetrate violence.
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External resources & links
A couple sitting together on a park bench, looking at each others phones.
Youth services
Links to external support services available to assist young people with a range of challenges.
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